What Content Marketers Should Know About UX Design

User experience (UX) captures how users interact with a product, and their feelings when they use or anticipate using the product. This involves how a product looks and feels, whether it’s browsing a website or navigating through an app.

UX also encompasses data analysis regarding market research and testing. UX covers most facets of how users feel when interacting with a product.

It can be intimidating for content marketers to lead campaigns that emphasize UX. This marketing requires more specific detailing than just promoting the product itself. UX-driven content marketing needs to hone in on specific content and target audiences.

When working on a campaign with UX in mind, content marketers should be aware of the following six aspects as they compose content and target audiences.

1. Focus on the Giving Experience

When trying to properly grasp UX in a marketing sense, recall receiving a memorable gift. Even if the gift itself was great, the feeling of holding the gift in your hands, opening the wrapping paper, and experiencing the gift was equally memorable. The gift is even more exciting if it feels “just for you” — picked out with your desires and interests in mind.

It’s important to go beyond the norm. To use newsletters as an example, free eBooks are expected now. The number of unhelpful, generic eBooks offered in exchange for signing up for a newsletter is significant. If you care about a uniquely empowering, revenue-driving UX, offer something more alluring.

This could be anything from providing a personal Q&A session to offering anyone who signs up more unique, exciting content, like a live video that answers commonly asked questions.

If someone signs up for a newsletter or purchases an item, a big part of the UX is feeling like that person has gotten a bang for his or her buck. If the UX feels meaningful, upscale, and personally targeted, as opposed to basic and cookie-cutter, satisfaction is likely to be much higher.

2. Check and Analyze Formatting

It’s a bummer to read an interesting email, only to find the second half obscured by unaligned images or a hyperlink leading to nowhere. A big part of UX is making things as easy as possible for the user. This places considerable emphasis on a website’s integrity. Unbiased information, testimonials, awards, proper grammar, and quality content all play a role in establishing a credible website or marketing copy.

Ensure that your text isn’t difficult to read. Curving fonts or ones that are too small will just result in eye strain. Avoid large blocks of text; create a new paragraph every few sentences. Lengthy blocks of text turn readers off and detract strongly from UX. Additionally, for every link you place in the email or article, click on it to ensure it is working.

3. Prioritize High-Priority Information

Prioritize high-priority information. This refers to the information customers seek out most, whether it’s a food menu for a restaurant or business hours for an antique shop.

Beach BodyFor an app, it could be a link to download and a brief description. Regardless, keeping UX in mind means not forcing readers to scroll down too far to get to the meat of the content.

4. Listen to and Actively Consider Feedback

The internet is home to critics of all types, from actual professional critics to mere hobbyists. With UX, opinions collectively matter. It is called user experience, after all. If certain complaints regarding design or layout constantly come up, it serves as a great opportunity for your team to transform your site for better UX.

The complaints provide a specific area to improve upon, with the specifics coming free of charge. Meanwhile, fixing the issues provides great marketing material, a reason to reach out to all the product’s users with a proud update regarding the UX improvements.

As a result, you emphasize the user in user experience, knowing full well that they may have suggestions regarding UX that can seem very basic, yet they could make a world of difference in terms of accessibility. Sometimes it takes a customer with no relation to the company’s corporate branch to come up with an idea that dramatically improves a product’s UX.

5. Interact With Customers

In general, it’s a good idea to interact with your customers in regard to what they enjoy about the product, what they don’t, and if they have any suggestions. Even if you don’t take them up on their suggestions, businesses that reach out to customers will make them feel appreciated, especially as some large businesses have the reputation of being too corporate-minded to do so.

Gauging customer feedback is a great way to separate yourself from the pack, especially if your competition suffers from poor customer service. Social media is a great way to collect this feedback.


6. Capture a Positive Gut Feeling

Research shows that online users rely heavily on gut instinct when interpreting the legitimacy and interest of a website. Google’s own research notes that it takes a user between 17 and 50 milliseconds to form their aesthetic judgment, which plays a large role in product interaction. The internet is filled with so much content that it’s hard to blame a user for moving on if a site appears dull and unappealing.


The same applies to content marketing with UX in mind. Appeal to users’ snap judgments by using a combination of familiarity and simplicity, with quality content that shows niche-based authority. A design that resembles conceptual art will turn off numerous visitors who are simply seeking the bottom line to figure out if a product is useful for them.

For content marketing driven by UX, design and content that minimize distraction and emphasize high-priority information are terrific tools to keep readers captivated and interested. Jumping between topics is an effective way to get them turned off quickly. Instead, emphasize how the UX design is elevating the product to the next level, heeding the advice of valued users and studied research.


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