
Showing posts from March, 2018

What is a Retina display?

What is a Retina display? We explain the definition, pros and cons of Apple's Retina - and Retina HD, Super Retina HD, Retina 4K and 5K - displays. Plus: which iPads, iPhones, iPods, Macs and MacBooks have a Retina screen? By  Kenny Hemphill   |  24 Jan 18 Contents >  Basic Retina screens >  Retina 4K & 5K >  How does a Retina display compare to non-Retina? >  How does this compare to rival products? >  Retina HD & Super Retina HD >  Which Apple products have Retina displays? Retina is an Apple marketing term for which there's no  concrete  definition: put simply, a Retina display is any screen Apple has decided to call that. There are however, features which set Retina displays apart from non-Retina screens. In this article we explain the features of Retina screens (along with their more advanced Retina HD and Super Retina HD cousins), list the Apple  products  which have them, and try to give an idea of whether these

Improving Your Email Results

The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide To Improving Your Email Results with Jay Baer Convince & Convert My friend Tom Webster from Edison Research has a fantastic saying: “the plural of ‘anecdote’ is not “data.” But so many email programs today are governed by what we believe to be true based on stories we’ve been told, or stories we choose to tell ourselves. Even now, in 2018, with a cavalcade of available data the size of Jay-Z’s ego, we still aren’t often managing email in a fully data-driven way. It's said that, "if you cannot measure, you cannot improve.” That’s not entirely right. I would say it this way: “if you don’t measure, any improvements you make are probably a happy accident.” The success of any email marketing program should rely heavily on your ability to carefully gauge both your successes and your mediocrities. By monitoring the most important aspects of your email programs and individual sends, you can make well-informed decisions about th